Freemasonry - what is it?

Freemasonry means different things to each of those who join. For some, it’s about making new friends and acquaintances. For others it’s about being able to help deserving causes – making a contribution to family and society. But for most, it is an enjoyable interest.

# Freemasons in England & Wales

# Freemasons in Scotland & Ireland

# Freemasons worldwide

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations. It teaches self-knowledge through participation in a progression of ceremonies. Members are expected to be of high moral standing and are encouraged to speak openly about Freemasonry.

Freemasonry instils in its members a moral and ethical approach to life: its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty and fairness. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but, importantly, Freemasonry also teaches concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need.

From its earliest days, Freemasonry has been concerned with the care of orphans, the sick and the aged. This work continues today. In addition, large sums are given to national and local charities.

Above all, it’s about having fun with like minded people on a regular basis.

If you’d like more information please contact us, additional information can also be found on the ‘Becoming a Freemason’ page on the United Grand Lodge of England’s own website.


Freemasonry offers its members a chance to make new friends and meet in a social environment. Our fraternity engages people of all ages, from tradesmen to monarchs. Whatever your status in life, Freemasonry provides an invaluable network of likeminded people never short of a social event to attend.  


From its very earliest days Freemasonry has actively supported charity. Across 2018/19, charitable giving at lodge and provincial level totalled £45M, including the £18M awarded through the Masonic Charitable Foundation. Freemasons also undertook five million hours of volunteering across the same period.  

Personal Development

As you progress through the degrees of freemasonry, the personal development can be very rewarding. Whilst Freemasonry can help good men become better men, only men of upstanding character are permitted to join. Why not take a look at our national magazine, 'Freemasonry Today'.